Thursday, July 28, 2011


hmm.. i was thinking for !@#$%^&* days. Do you guys think i should get myself a tattoo? A small ones not those huge ones. Uhhh.. *thinking* *thinking*

Sometimes, i feel i wanna have one. But sometimes i feel that i might regret next time. I dont know. Whats your opinion then? Should i? or Not??



Hey guys. Im back from "BUSY/LAZY" world. Currently been busy doing my assignments. Am lazy to blog bout my life recently cause no time. But nw im free. Gonna promise update everything bout my life wokay? *promise* Oh. By the way, i have a new family member, which is my small nephew. Born after Bryan's (nephew) bday. Wow! Yes it is. Im an aunt and i freakkking hearts babies. Weee~ ohhh. Anyway, this is not gonna be a long post cause im taking care of the Baby now. His crying. He sound so cute when he cries. aawww~ hehe.

This is the baby. His name is Marcus. Welcome to the family. Adorable eh?
