Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wednesday ;D

hello. Morning! Im sure my baby still sleeping like a pig ;D Im still wearing my pyjamas eh. Ahhh~ Gosh == my eyebacks and dark circle is growing. I look more panda now D: Gonna start sleep early soon! Oh, later going to fetch my sis to her boyf hse to celebrate his bday today! Happy Bday Bil! Im looking for a part time job to kill my boredness at home while paktoh-ing with my baby at working hahahahaha. wtf. I guess we're busy working at that time, so no paktoh. awww D; SPM result is coming real soon. Its on March dk when. sigh. i hope my BM pass.. I suck in malay == excited going for an interview later at 7pm , excited going to college soon on May == , excited going to......... er, still thinking. Maybe to baby's hse later ;D heh.


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